Lab Service
AKVAGroups laboratory services develop and procures documents for durability, capacity and properties of the products and solutions.
Tasks carried out in the service lab include assignments from customers, suppliers of filaments, ropes, and anti-fouling, in addition to internal assignments as quality control, documentation of capacity for all components of the net, and development of netting production including knitting recipes and material selection.
The service laboratory is based on ISO 17025:2005 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”. All time updated procedures follow the applicable standard for the specific methodology used.
Equipment and methods:
- Breaking strength netting (up to 500 kg)
- Breaking strength thread and filament (up to 50 kg)
- Breaking strength and elasticity ropes, smaller rings, zippers, loops, netting panel etc. (up to 10 tons)
- Repeatable and comparable abrasion of netting and rope
- Determination of quantitative and qualitative content of different elements in different material. E.g., copper constituents in impregnation, netting and waste.
- Accurate measurements of the mesh side of the netting, thread diameter and solidity with image processing.
- Electronic analysis tool for determining moisture in e.g., waste.
- Determination of buoyancy in materials with different types of anti-fouling.
- Measurements of the proportion of shrinkage in ropes and nets.
- The impact of abrasion from physical contact between rings and other components in the net.